About Us


We create value for our stakeholders through reliable test and measurement solutions in various segments.

Our Vision

To be Africa’s leading provider of premium test and measurement solutions

Our Mission

To create value for our stakeholders through reliable test and measurement solutions

Our Competencies

Amotech has a highly skilled and competent team which is as a result of a number of combined years of expertise and specialization.

Amotech Africa creates value to our stakeholders through a diverse and multicultural team spread across 6 countries that bring our values to life .

We Aim:

To create value for our stakeholders through reliable test and measurement solutions.

To be Africa’s leading provider of premium test and measurement solutions.

Our Core Values


We deliver to the highest quality and standard in results across all levels of our organizational operation to create a culture of excellence and effective execution


We shall continuously improve our processes, nurture new ideas, exceptional talent and embrace modernization by introducing new methods and interventions through Research and Development


At the core of accountability is reliability and personal responsibility. We value the ability of our staff and organization to honor our commitments, to our stakeholders and to each other

Our Certifications

ISO 9001: 2015

EPRA A1 Licensed Electrical Contractor

Class C-1 Solar PV Contractor

Class V-1 Solar PV Contractor

NCA 5 Contractor


Years of




Satisfied Clients